Corporate Governance

The objectives of these workshops are:

  • To consolidate the roles and responsibilities of Shareholder, Board of Director of Advisory Board members, managers or top executives through guided practice and awareness of societal and local laws.
  • To obtain tools through which the company’s competitiveness can be heightened and improved, particularly through a better employment of risk management tactics
  • To incorporate and internalize the given training through an individual development plan

There are two types of workshops:

Type A – The content consists mainly of a review of the roles and responsibilities of each different member within a satisfactorily run corporate governance body within the context of the societal and local laws, as well the practice of Board of Directors meetings in a controlled environment. The duration is 5 hours.

Type B (LENGTHENED) – In addition to the content of a Type A Workshop, Type B offers an additional explanation of the aforementioned roles using practice risk management practices which lead to the workshop participants becoming more aware of the risks the encounter in their day to day  activities. The duration is 9 hours.

The upcoming workshops will be held on November 2024.